About Turkey

Turkey is a vast country located in Asia Minor and Europe. Geographically a link of Europe and Asia. The country is very rich in culture and history with remnants and civilizations of the past. Turkey deserves to be called an open air museum with the cultural and historical assets she possesses all blend in natural beauties.
Topkapi Palace in Istanbul
Modern Turkey finds her roots deep in pre historic settlements, Hitite, Urartian Civilizations, Phrygian and Ionian city states, Hellenic Roman and Byzantine Art monuments and culture preceded by Seljuks and Ottomans. The mainland of Turkey is Anatolia, the place where the sun rises. In the brilliant setting of the country Judaist, Christian and Islamic beliefs had flourished. Today the architectural witnesses of the paganistic beliefs and monotheistic religions could be visited adjacent to each other, sometimes within sometimes facing each other. The culture seeker travellers would enjoy the country with opportunities to visit the Hittite sites, Greek cities, Roman teatres, churches, mosques, synagogues, mosques, palaces.

As you listen to the tales of Midas, read Homeric Iliad, visit house of Virgin Mary, talk about Santa Claus, debate on Alexander the Great you recall that these prominent figures from only partial call of history in Turkey. Not to mention the many others as Heredotus, St. Paul, St. John, Strabon, Diogenes...

Turkey is a modern country and an integral part of Europe, member of United Nations, European Council, OECD associate member of European Community, an ally in Nato.
All visitors must have a valid passport. US citizens are required to have a visa. Visas can be obtained with the payment of 20 USD from the visa desks in international airports and ports.

ORDINARY PASSPORT HOLDERS OF NATIONALS OF THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES MAY OBTAIN STICKER TYPE VISAS AT THE TURKISH INTERNATIONAL BORDER GATES TO ENTER INTO TURKEY: (Duration of Stay : 3 Months) Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, United States of America

Cruiseship passengers cruising in and out of Turkey and not exceeding 24 hours at each shore do not require a tourist visa.

It is stricly forbidden to take antiquities and historical treasures out of the country. Certain articles may only be exported by permission of Directorate of Museums and Antiquities.

Public Holidays
Jan 01 New Years Day
Apr 23 Independence & Childrens Day
May 19 Youth & Sports Day
Aug 30 Victory Day
Oct 29 Republic Day

Religious Holidays
Annual Fasting Holiday End of Ramadan, Sacrifice Holiday End of Muslim Pilgrimage. Both subject to Lunar Calendar.

Work Hours
In general work days are Monday through Friday. Most businesses and banks are open from 9.00 am to 5.00pm. Close for lunch from 12.00 noon till 1.00 or 1.30 pm. Friday is a relgious day but businesses and shops are open. Shops may have longer hours and open through the week except Sundays.

780.000 sq. km. (300.000 sq. miles)
97% in Asia, 3% in Europe.

Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Bulgaria and Greece.

Surrounded by Black Sea, Maramara, The Aegean and the Mediterranean.

Bosphorus, Dardanelles

Coastal fertile lands, north south forested, central plateau, eastern mountainous.

Combination of four different: Continental, Oceanic, Mediterranean and Mountainous. Weather conditions vary according to the season and region.

77 million


Main Cities
Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya, Adana, Bursa

Turkish. It is written with Latin characters.

99% Moslem, Rest Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Jewish. In addition to the mosques , Greek Orthodox , Roman Catholic Churches and Synagogues are available to the worshippers.

The monetary unit is Turkish Lira (TL.) The coins are 0.25 , 0.50 , 1.-, and the banknotes are in 5-, 10- , 20.- , 50- and 100-.

The exchange rates for the foreign currencies are published daily. You can exchange cash and Travelers cheques at the hotel cashier. Banks are open between 09.00am-12.00noon / 01.30-05.00pm. The exchange slips for the conversions should be kept since you may be required to show these when converting your Turkish money back into foreign currency.

Credit Cards
Mastercharge and Visa credit cards are honored by the wellknown Restaurants and the Stores . Check before purchase.

Shops and stores are open Monday thru Saturday from 09.30am till 07.00pm. Cash, Traveler`s Cheques and the major Credit Cards are welcomed by the Stores. There are variety of goods you can purchase such as Oriental carpets, Leather wares, Costumes, Gold and Silver Jewelry, Brass and Copper Works, Silk etc. Articles you purchase may accompany you or be shipped and delivered to your door with full coverage by the large stores. Turkey is a G.S.P. (Generalized System of Preference) country . This is a system to help developing countries to improve their economic conditions thru foreign trade. We do advise you to get certificate with your purchases of goods manufactured and produced in Turkey such as Carpets and Jewelry.

V. A. T
The value added tax 18 % is applied to all services and purchases.

It is customary to tip an extra of 10 % for all services delivered.

All of the taxis have meters. Available at taxi stands.

Phone Calls
Automatic dialing is possible anywhere in the country . Reduced rates are applied in the evening and early mornings . For local , trunk and international calls token-jetons-should be obtained . Telephone Cards are also available.

Local Time
G.M.T. + 2 Hours

In Metric System - Kilogram and Meter.

220 Volts AC. Cycles 50 Mz.

Tap Water
It has been chlorinated but may have strong taste. Bottled spring water is suggested.